Seattle Public Schools

Catharine Blaine K-8

2550 34th Ave. W
Seattle, WA 98199
About Blaine
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Office Phone: 206-252-1920
Fax: 206-252-1921

Catharine Blaine School Profile

Attendance Area School Attendance Area Map 

School Leadership and Board District

Community Partners at Catharine Blaine 凯瑟琳·布莱恩小学8年级的社区资源和项目

Continuous School Improvement Plan (C-SIP)

Catharine Blaine K-8 C-SIP

学校持续改善计划(C-SIP)是每所学校的行动计划 它确定了学校在当前和即将到来的学年计划重点关注的领域, 他们希望学生达到的成绩目标, 以及学校计划如何合作实现这些目标.

这些计划会定期更新,以反映每所学校正在使用的策略. 这个文件也可以作为我们的标题I学校全校范围内的改进计划.

School and Building Reports

School Report

Catharine Blaine K-8 School Report

学校报告显示了一个学校学术发展的简要快照, student climate, accountability, family and staff engagement, and overall school performance. 学校报告由州公共教育监督办公室为该州的每个学校和地区制作,并在全年定期更新数据.

On state assessments, 期望参加但没有参加的学生, such as absences or opting out, are counted as non-proficient. 这可能会影响学校的整体水平评级.

Questions about school reports? Contact the Research and Evaluation Department

School Climate Survey

Catharine Blaine K-8 School Climate Survey

学校气候调查用于改善学校水平, climate surveys are given to all staff, students and families each year. The staff and student surveys are given to respective groups in person at schools; the family survey occurs in the spring.

Building History

Catharine Blaine Building History and Information

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)

由指定人员每六个月监察嘉芬莲大厦内已知的石棉,以评估含石棉建筑材料的状况。. 6个月的评估结果由地区保存.

As required under AHERA, 凯瑟琳布莱恩K-8学校必须保持石棉管理计划(AMP),并将其保存在学校档案中. AMP可在周一至周五的上课时间进行审查. For additional information, please contact:

Wendy Couture
Environmental Health and Safety Manager

Discipline Dashboard

As part of Seattle Excellence, Seattle Public Schools’ Strategic Plan, 该地区致力于中断不合比例的纪律做法. 支持这项工作,提高透明度和问责制, 该学区为每所学校创建并发布了面向公众的纪律指示板,并于11月1日发布, 2021.

纪律仪表板数据反映了当前学年,并将在整个学年每季度更新一次. 如有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系具体学校的学校领导.

Academic Year: Current academic school year.
Actions by Month:按月份和开除类型划分的纪律处分次数.
Days: Count of exclusion days for an exclusion type.
Days of Exclusion: Count of exclusion days.
Discipline Rate:至少有一次违纪事件的学生人数除以所有在校生人数.
E. Expulsions:学生属性的紧急开除次数.
Enrolled: Count of enrolled students.
Exclusion Actions:学生属性的排除操作计数.
Exclusion Days:学生属性的排除天数.
Exclusion Type: Short-term suspension (SS), Long-term suspension (LS), Emergency expulsion (EE), In-school suspension (IS), Expulsion (EX), and Interim alternative education setting (IA).
Exclusionary Actions: Count of exclusionary actions.
Expulsions: Count of expulsions for a student attribute.
FERPA Compliance:家庭教育权利和隐私法合规. *
Incidents by Day of Week: Count of disciplinary actions by day of week.
Incidents by Grade: Count of disciplinary actions by grade.
Incidents by Hour: Count of disciplinary actions by hour.
Incidents by Exclusion Type:排除类型的纪律事件数.
事件的学生属性或支持服务: Count of disciplinary incidents. 有多少学生参与其中,事故就会被计算多少次.
Incidents per 100 Students:违纪事件数除以在校生数,再乘以100. 有多少学生参与其中,事故就会被计算多少次.
Rate: Discipline rate for an exclusion type.
School Name: School name.
Suspensions: Count of suspensions for a student attribute.

*请注意:当一个小组少于10名注册学生时, 至少两个最小组的所有值都将被抑制.

Catharine Blaine Levy Projects


In February 2010, the $270M, six-year capital levy, Buildings, Technology and Academics III (BTA III), garnered support from 73.45 percent of those voting in the levy election. It was a renewal of the Buildings, Technology and Athletics (BTA II) levy, passed by voters in February 2004.

  • 2017 : Install new fire sprinklers. Replace existing water mains.
  • 2013 :升级屋顶,并进行外部建筑改进,包括重新密封窗户和重新定位砖石. 用可编程电子控制取代旧的加热控制,并进行相关改进.
  • 2011 : Replaced roof on remaining areas of school. Replaced select clerestory windows. Installed energy-conserving fan and pump motors.


2004年,西雅图选民通过了BTA II资本税. 这项税收资助了该地区每所学校近700个设施改善项目和技术升级. 

  • 2011 : Replaced boiler burners.
  • 2009 :科学教室升级:新的水槽,台面和橱柜,以及新的准备/储藏室. Four new classrooms. 走廊、主办公室和餐厅安装了新地板. Ceiling tiles replaced/repainted. Boiler updates. New water heater and toilet room exhaust fans.
  • 2008 : Re-roof and exterior restoration
  • 2006 : Waterline replacement
  • 2005 : Library Upgrade


The $150 million Buildings, 科技及学术/体育(btai)集资在一九九八年二月获选民通过. BTA I在该市的每所学校资助了超过465个大小设施项目. 这些项目包括安全和安保升级, 更换屋顶和窗户,技术和运动场升级.

  • 1999 : Reroofing, Elec/Data/Phone/Intercom
  • 1999 : Wide Area Network

About BTA

The Buildings, 技术和学术(BTA)资本税支持该地区的长期计划,以升级和翻新老化的学校设施,并解决入学人数增长问题.

BTA IV资本税于2016年获得选民批准. 正规买足球的App将从2017年到2022年获得这些税收资金.

Enroll at Catharine Blaine