Seattle Public Schools

Data Reporting

Enrollment Reporting (P223)

P223 – Enrollment Data by School

The P223 Enrollment Data for Basic Enrollment report is required by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), and is a summary of all K-12 students enrolled on the first school day of each school month (or the fourth school day of September). The P223 is reported to OSPI at the school and grade level by the Department of Technical Services (DoTS) Business Intelligence group.

The reports below contain all students included in the monthly P223 with the addition of information on all Preschool students, Bilingual students, and Special Education students actively enrolled on the P223 count date, also disaggregated by school and grade. The data presented are the Pre-Adjusted student counts initially reported to OSPI.

Adjustments to student data occur regularly; total counts reported on the OSPI website may not match the preadjusted data reported here. The last page of each report summarizes the Districtwide enrollment counts, and the P223 Total data columns reflect what is reported to OSPI.

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Monthly P223 Data

Please select the school year below and then select the month.