



西雅图的王者 is an elective program for Black male middle school and high school students, 被称为国王, 由黑人男性辅导员授课. 国王缔造者支持这种文化, 历史, 社会, and emotional needs of young Black boys and teens as it relates to their identity. The program is offered at six SPS schools: 阿基Kurose, 美世亚撒, and Denny 国际中学s, 跨部门学院, 富兰克林, 克利夫兰高中.

正规买足球的App and the City of Seattle’s Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) launched 拥护者 in 2017 to engage, 授权, and encourage young Kings in a brotherhood-centered program.

拥护者 is structured around KOO Curriculum, an African-centered syllabus that emphasizes studying Black history, 提高读写能力, 建立自尊, 提供学术指导. 每年, facilitators participate in professional development to better teach and reach Black males.

程序直接支持 district’s strategic plan Seattle Excellence, which is laser focused on supporting Students of Color who are furthest away from educational justice, beginning with African American boys and teens, in three of its focus goals: culturally responsive instruction, 欢迎和安全的学校, and inclusive and authentic engagement.

自2017年推出以来, 拥护者 has supported the brilliance and excellence of Black boys and teens. Well over 200 Black male SPS students participate in 拥护者 each school year. Our partners at DEEL consistently observe improved regular school attendance and passing of core courses among participating Kings.


Marcus Bradford, 阿基Kurose 中学

Marcus brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom. Marcus Bradford is not only an exceptional educator but also a mentor and role model who inspires a lifelong love of learning in all those fortunate enough to cross his path. He continues to make a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals and is a beloved figured among students, 父母, 同事们也一样.

我是唐特·尼尔,我是阿萨·默瑟 国际中学

Donte’s goal is to create a space and culture where Black boys feel 授权ed to be their authentic selves. He wants to cultivate an environment where Black boys grow and thrive. He sees it as his aim to inspire them to become the leaders they’re destined to be.

Keenen Allen Ladd, Denny 国际中学

Keenen strives to inspire and uplift black and brown youth, encouraging them to embrace their unique identities and pursue their dreams fearlessly. Creating and indulging in spaces where youth can have a sense of self-worth, 弹性, 和赋权, I aim to continue to be inspired by the brighter future for the next generation, where they can break barriers and achieve greatness.

Cyprus Richardson, 克利夫兰 STEM 高中

Cyprus sees himself as a servant of the beautiful community he lives in and a voice for Black people. Through his professional and educational experiences, his course work led him into 社会 activism and ultimately learning to instruct equitable environments for learning. His class is structured to endow leadership and a love for self, culture, and brotherhood.

Charles Parker, 富兰克林 高中

拥护者 Facilitator, Charles Parker

Charles is committed to transforming the educational system by implementing culturally responsive teaching while meeting each king where they are. He calls for each king to raise the bar and be accountable for their education. He believes safe spaces for kings to be authentic and vulnerable will help them create and foster new ideas about their self-identity and what it means to be men in control of their own destiny.

Emery Walters, 跨部门 高中

Emery’s objective is to see all students become as successful as possible. He takes pride in engaging, encouraging, and 授权ing all students. 通过合并学校, 家庭, 和社区, he helps bring wrap around services needed to help children because he believes in their ability to learn despite any circumstances they’ve had in their lives. He believes that with the proper guidance and instruction, his students will flourish and be their most successful selves.  


Participating students take a rigorous Black studies course, receive individual care coordination services, and receive mentorship and leadership development. 这 响应文化的导师 brief reviews the program design and the preliminary evaluation provides initial findings about student experiences from a partnership program evaluation. 指导很重要 shares preliminary results from the 西雅图的王者 program evaluation.

问题? Please contact William King, AAMA Program coordinator, at 206-561-8799 or wrking@foundationsprogramme.com.